Act upon your faith so you can believe whether you understand or not that God is the creator of the universe, is your Heavenly Father, and is an important part of your daily life. It is essential to develop good, regular prayer habits so you can be filled with the Holy Spirit.
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You can begin your prayer by saying "Dear God", "Dear Lord", "Heavenly Father". From here, begin thanking and praising God for all of the good things in your life, be specific. Here is an example: "Dear God, Thank you for my family; that my Dad is doing better and will soon be out of the hospital and thank you for helping me make it on to the varsity volleyball team."
Ask God to forgive but first forgive others so God can forgive your sins. Unforgiving of others may prevent the Lord from honoring your prayers for forgiveness. First ask yourself, "Do I have anything against another that I need to settle?" Make it right, and confess the wrong deed. Again ask yourself, "Was I mean to anyone, did I lie, cheat, steal, or disobey my parents?" Ask God to forgive you for anything that you did wrong that day.
* It is best to name the sins you know that you have committed, and then ask forgiveness for the ones you've forgotten or omitted. Ask the Lord to reveal your sins to you.
Tell God how much you love and adore Him. If you are new to being a Christian, this may seem hard for you to do and will take time; it is OK to feel uncertain during this part of the prayer. You may sing a song of praise. Thank Him everyday for saving an undeserving person as yourself... Thank Him for the cross, thank Him for sending Christ to die for us and make us right with Himself.
Ask God to help you with things that may not be going well in your life (i.e., help Jane to stop fighting with Amy, and please help Joe to come and learn about your kindness and forgiveness." (remember that praying for Grades and money and other unnecessary stuff is considered to be a selfish prayer. Grades can be achieved through self motivation and being diligent. )
Ask Him for his guidance and protection throughout the day and night, thank Him for every day and you will start to recognize when He is blessing you, e.g. giving you more patience or supplying your daily needs.
Ask Him for wisdom and discernment. The Bible says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does." (James 1:5-8 NIV)If you don't understand His word, the Holy Spirit will help you. Read the Bible in context, remember, our own personal interpretation doesn't matter...what matters is what the author intends for it to mean.
If you choose, you can end your prayers by saying, "Thank you God, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.", "In Jesus' name, Amen" "Thank you" or just any way you want to. He will answer them whether or not you end your prayer.
It is important to God for you to remember that you can talk to Him just as you would an earthly father. He is easy to talk to. He IS Supreme and He is owner of all things but He remains your Heavenly Father.
* Then you and your friends can tell unbelievers about Christ and the Father to prove God is real to them by the Holy Spirit so you yourself and they can preach the message of forgiveness in Christ and being made right with God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one can come to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6)
* Most importantly, remember that God's will be done. Have the attitude of a servant, and desire God's will and not yours. He is not a "genie in a bottle". And acronym for prayer: A.C.T.S. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
* Talk to him, telling him how much you love him, and thank him for what he's done for you that you could never repay.
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